On imagine ce que représente dans un pays comme le Pakistan de cingler si vivement un imam qui la tance hypocritement. Elle aurait fait des photos inconvenantes (!) sexy, porno.. La belle affaire quand bien même ce serait vrai mais rien que de gentillet [bien moins hard en tout cas que celles de la belle Mme Le Pen] il est vrai que je n'ai pas passé la nuit. Apparemment le vertueux à capuche est mieux renseigné que moi -hautement suspect-. Du coup, menaces de mort etc... C'est en regardant par hasard les visites du blog http://solidairealia.blogspot.com que j'ai découvert Veena, actrice et humoriste pakistanaise au demeurant connue, que je salue ici.
translate the video in french to morrow.
We can't imagine, for a pakistani woman, the courage it requires to
retort so hard and in public to an "virtuous" (and limit threatening)
imam who overwhelms her with hypocrite moral lessons ! because... she would had made sexy photos, an
huge affair ! I searched on the net and found nothing of "enormous",
(softer than Mrs Le Pen in any case!) it is true that I have not spent all the
night for such a work.. [but it seems the holy man to be better informed than
me, what is highly suspect indeed] and for that, she received death threats !
Veena is an actress and humorist of indian TV that I discovered only yesterday [although she is
very famous] when I was surfing randomly on my blogs' visitors (http://solidairealia.blogspot.com)
Veena who I'm pleased to welcome here. I am very proud you to read my blog,
thank's you.
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