Ce blog parle de villages dont on s'occupe peu dans les médias, parfois miniers comme Saint Florent sur Auzonnet, niché dans une vallée retirée, envaginé au creux de montagnes, Molières sur Cèze, Le Martinet, Saint Jean de Valériscles, La Grand Combe etc... Une vie poétique et dure à faire renaitre pour tous. Germinal. Ayant filé plus loin que prévu -grâce à Aliaa Elmahdy- il est à présent bilingue français-anglais. This blog speaks about Cevennes villages unknown in media, sometimes mining (coal), Saint Florent, nestled in a secluded valley, Molières, Le Martinet, St. Jean, La Grand Combe ... A poetic and hard life revives here. Germinal (Zola). Having spun further than expected, thanks to Aliaa Elmahdy, it is now bilingual. Note: if someone finds mistakes in english, I would be pleased if he corrects them ! Thanks. Hélène Larrivé

mercredi 7 mars 2012

La voix d'Anna Politkovskaïa, rarement entendue. Anna Politkovskaïa's voice rarely hearded, Don't forget

Structurellement, la justice profite aux contrevenants c'est à dire à ceux qui violent sa loi. Structurally, justice benefits to those who violate its law..

La justice, malgré le dévouement de ses fonctionnaires, [magistrats et greffiers] par sa cherté, sa lenteur [reliée aux coupes catastrophiques de budget] et la complexification de sa forme [structurelle, issue d'archaïsmes non corrigés].. la justice donc requiert du temps, de l'argent, une bonne connaissance et l'esprit -si l'on peut dire-, c'est à dire... toutes choses que possèdent souvent les délictueux, contrevenants, délinquants et parfois criminels, du moins s'ils sont avisés et ont "réussi". Et réciproquement elle défavorise les victimes peu préparées [qui n'ont pas choisi d'être là, d'être victimes] souvent épuisées... justement par le dol qu'elles ont subi ! Paradoxe.

Si on associe son fonctionnement spécial à la situation particulière d' "être-victime", elle favorise toujours malgré elle ceux qui ont peu ou prou violé sa loi. Car le dol, quelqu'il soit, dans presque tous les cas, leur a rapporté [sinon ils ne l'auraient pas commis] et c'est cet argent [ce rapport] qui va, par avocats interposés experts ès manœuvres parfois dilatoires, leur servir à se défendre contre la victime qui réclame justice.. et pour les mêmes raisons, elle défavorise ceux sur qui le dol s'est exercé .. en proportion exacte de sa gravité et de leur faiblesse.

En termes mathématiques, si on appelle A le dol, A' le préjudice subi et B la sanction réclamée et obtenue, on constate que B n'est pas proportionnel au rapport A/A' comme cela devrait être mais.. à son inverse, A'/A... encore un douloureux paradoxe. [Le dol A, mettons = 10, n'est pas un chiffre "objectif" : il faut tenir compte de ce qu'il représente pour la victime, A' : voler 6000 € à un SMICARD n'est pas identique à les goupiller à un VIP. C'est donc le rapport A/A'  mesurant l'injustice subie qui devrait être pris en compte alors que c'est l'inverse. Cela sera le cas tant que la justice sera payante et chère, lente, même, redite, si le personnel tente de pallier au mieux son dysfonctionnement.

 Une suggestion : puisque "nul n'est censé ignorer la loi" et qu'en fait on l'ignore tous en partie, du moins pour ce qui est de sa forme [mais non son fond, souvent logique, qui se superpose parfois tout simplement à la morale élémentaire] pourquoi tribunaux, mairies, Greta.. n'organiseraient-ils pas des cours de droit, même succincts, gratuits -et obligatoires, comme l'instruction- pour tous? Là en effet, peut-être ensuite la justice pourrait mettre à armes égales victimes et contrevenants, délictueux ou délinquants.
 (Lien avec le canard du Midi
Justice, because of its cost and its extreme length sometimes [for example 7 years for an trial intented against his boss by an wounded worker -a very serious work accident- and, unable to work again, reduced to survive with his family only with social aids] advantages  the offenders, meaning those who violate its law! and disadvantages the victim: usually, the offender chooses to commit illegality, (plots, malfesances, robbery, fraud or worse, sometimes a bitter joke for him).. because he obtains some profit of that, but the victim does not choose to be victim, he obtains no profit of that but on the contrary more suffering! So the offender is "increased" in all matters by his misdeed ! [psychology, social status including money and social respect!] and thanks to that, strenghtened to fight against his victim, on the contrary destroyed by him in all matters [psychology, money, social consideration that often goes with this] ! An awfull paradox. For instance, the victim does’t know the justice's special functioning, the laws, for example he ignores that he needs an layor (and to pay for that ! he don't understand that because he is not guilty but victim!) and frequently he has no money, he is ankward, aggressive, angry… while the offender who has planned his shot whose he benefits can show an friendlier face to magistrates and public. So the party is not equal and we can say that justice profits to those who violate its… against those, law respectfull who are their victims, a cruel paradox! 

 Another example: some one, because he had fought against a powerful man [more than him in any case] and won, is injustly charged by him for a lot of taxes that he does not have to pay. [Suppose that this man is a political one.] Retaliation of course but it is no easy to prove it. So he is reduced to an extreme poverty and for that, it is difficult for him to sue the other. It costs too much (lawyer..) ! Yet he does! it lasts more than one year and he wins again. Saved ? Not. Because, to make things last a little longer, the other makes appeals. It lasts again one year at least, may be more; during all this times, the victim is reduced to a big poverty. [While the other has the money.. money that he has robbed from him in other cases.] Then the victim wins again of course but is very impacted by the extreme lasting of this affair. The other, not at all, at the contrary, in a sense, he won too : he has harassed him for a long time, this was his only aim. 

lundi 5 mars 2012

ILLUSTRATION : CHRONIQUE D’UN ACCIDENT DU TRAVAIL, UN PROCES DE 7 ANS ! Example: chronic of a work accident. 7 years of trials !


Au chômage, dans un village, Dany est enfin engagé par une assoc de réinsertion qui en principe recrute plutôt des cas sociaux, parfois alcooliques, drogués, ce qui n’est pas son cas : contrat de 6 mois, qui doit être renouvelé. Las, un mois après [il ne peut le dater précisément] il reçoit au visage une projection violente par engin. Ils sont alors dans la campagne, il dégage les branches derrière celui qui débroussaille. Pas grave croit-il.

Bien qu’un kyste se soit formé qui ne cesse de grossir, il bosse. 2 mois après, son visage est tel que les chefs lui ordonnent de s’arrêter car " il fait peur aux gens".. une chance. Entre en scène le Dr Béta puis, devant l’ampleur des dégâts, le Dr Béta’ qui opère, nettoie. Aucune analyse : un kyste dentaire dit-il. Et ça empire, fièvre, écoulement nauséabond. Coup de pot, Anne travaille au ménage d’un labo et la demande elle-même, bingo : un staphyllo doré. Deux opérations, cette fois par le Dr Delta de N qui extrait des VEGETAUX, épines mais doit ôter une partie de l’os facial. In fine, il a une lacune (une balle de ping pong) le visage légèrement déformé, fragilisé et se trouve à nouveau au chômage, la famille -3 enfants- vit de RSA et d’alloc.

Après un procès, il obtient la reconnaissance de l’accident du travail, de son handicap (20%) une rente (310E/trimestre) et le remboursement de ses frais médicaux (1800 € !). Mais, aide juridictionnelle ou pas, il a tout de même dû verser 300 € à Me O., son déplacement pour une audience où elle n’est d’ailleurs pas venue. Il s’est donc défendu seul. Il ne travaille qu’à temps partiel ou pas : un malade pouvant rechuter à tout moment est à la casse.

Il attaque alors le patron pour faute inexcusable : il n’avait pas de protection. Il bénéficie de l’aide juridictionnelle, Me O. le défend toujours sauf qu’elle est injoignable ; et cela dure ..   2 ans ! Or, au fil des ANNÉES les souvenirs s’estompent. C’est enfin le procès. Horreur ! Selon l’avocate du patron, il ne serait qu’un bon à rien alcoolisé, drogué, profiteur et ne cherche qu’à ruiner le généreux qui ne pourra plus tirer du trou d’autres ingrats parasites tels que lui s’il gagnait... Non seulement il est victime d’un accident du travail, handicapé mais le voilà en sus coupable d’être victime. [Quid du salaire et de la formation du généreux?] Viennent ses témoins mais les faits datent de 4 ans, ce sont des gens fragiles, ils ne se souviennent plus, s’embrouillent, on frise le sketch. Les deux chefs se contredisent, l’un assure qu’il n’y a jamais eu de chantier, carrément ! l’autre qu’ "il n’y a pas eu VRAIMENT de chantier"… [donc chantier tout de même !] Plus grave: le Dr Gamma, 6 mois après les faits a inscrit une date d’accident incohérente [un dimanche], Dany est plombé : le juge, dans le doute, ne peut condamner. L’extrême durée de la procédure lui a été fatale.

Il fait appel. Me O. lui réclame 1400 € en chèques non datés qu’elle enverra au fur et à mesure. Par la suite, il sera difficile de la joindre mais ils seront régulièrement encaissés. Et au bout de 2 ans soit 7 ans après les faits, vient le jour J et..  elle lui annonce qu’elle ne pourra plaider et devra faire renvoyer encore. C’est alors qu’une amie, après plusieurs essais, la joint enfin [après un mail dans lequel elle la menace d'avertir le bâtonnier] et apprend, ô stupeur, que le procès a bel et bien eu lieu EN SON ABSENCE à la demande du juge dit-elle. Une manip donc ou une erreur suivie d’une rare désinvolture qui pèseront lourd. Il perd encore évidemment.. et par la même occase, malgré sa demande d’attendre quelques jours, l’avocate va encaisser un dernier chèque, le mettant ainsi en interdiction bancaire avec agios.  

Unemployed, in a little village, Dany is engaged by a boss specialized in reintegrating of long-term unemployed, sometimes alcoholic, addicts and so on.. But he is not! Misfortune, he has an accident (he was clearing brushes in the mountain with a machine and receive on his face a violent projection from it) but he don’t care, he continues to work, although an abscess that grows more and more on his face. Two months later, he has to stoop because he looks like a monster. The disagnostic’s doctor : it comes from a tooth, which he operates. Error. Then it is worse, fiever, pain.. The doctor never thinks to do an analysis.. But happily, Dany’s wife, yes! She is working as cleaning woman in a laboratory! Result : aureus staphyllococ ! So he is operated, this time by a real surgeon, two times, who extracts from the wound fragments of plants, spines and so on.. So it is evident: he caught these fragments tree months ago when he was “slightly” wounded during his work in the mountain. The boss says not at all, it is too old... But now Dany is handicapped and still unemployed: his contract was not renewed, and nobody want to engage an handicapped worker. So he survives (he has a family and tree kids) with social aids.

So he sues in justice his boss and wins : his handicap and work’s accident are recognized, he perceives a very small pension, 100 E/months.. But is still unemployed and in a very bad social situation. The boss’s fault is clear : Dany had no face’s protection, otherwise he would not be wounded. He wants to sue him again, this time because this “inexcusable fault” but he has no money. He obtains legal assistance.

A long long time to wait for him and he never can reach his lawyer.. and the trial date finally comes ! It is awfull: the boss’lawyer squarely insults him in front of his family : he is a lazy profiter of social assistance, an alcoholic and addict unkward and ingrate as all these loosers engaged by the generous boss who would be unable to help another people if Dany wins and so on… He is stunned, his wife too. His lawyer doesn’t tackles these vomit as she had to do, she seems a good friend of the other.. And his witnesses who come at his demand are fragile, a little confused, they doesn’t remember, the accident is ancient, 5 years, and about the two chiefs, one says that there never was a brushcutting site! and the other that there was no “really” brushcutting site meaning there was one indeed! The date of the accident which instantly did not seem serious is not sure. The doctor consulted after the analysis, five monthes after the facts had written an incoherent one (sunday) somewhat ramdomly.. So Dany lost : the judge cannot be sure of anything after all this time and with this contradictory evidences.      

He decides to appeal. This time, he has to pay! His lawyer agrees several checks of 200 E that she will cash later one by one… And after that, she can never be reached, but his checks were regularly cashed .. The first trial was judged 3 years after the accident, this second, 5 years after, the third, 7 years after the accident ! During all this time, he survided, depressive, without work and without money.

Why all this time? He doesn’t know. His lawyer speaks of reports, every times reports, then she was pregnant and on maternity leave.. and so on. Then the trial day happens! But she calls him (for the first time!) and says that it is impossible for her to plead this day, so she would be obliged to request another report ! He is desesperate because he was waiting for this trial during 4 years but what can he does? Nothing except speaking to a friend, a journalist, who tries herself to reach the layer… in vain of course, but she sends to her a mail saying that she advises Dany to write to the barrister (the lawyers’s chief).. and the day after, she calls her... and annouces… O surprise! that finally (contrary to what he believed, meaning what she had said to him!) the trial was held, yes! in his absence. Why did she lied or she forgot to warn Dany? She says that it was the resquest of the judge who would avoid Dany’s presence (?).. Is it true? So he waits again.. one month.. and learns, not surprisingly, that he had lost. But, although he asked her to wait some days, she doesn’t forget to cash his last check, so she puts him in suspension of banking, with bank charges.        

samedi 3 mars 2012

Le Koursk, chant des sous mariniers...

Le Koursk, 5, Chants des sous mariniers par heleneclaude

Ne pas rater le film de Jean-Michel Carré et surtout l'article de Jean Pierre Petit (astrophysicien) -lien-, dont en filigrane la thèse est la suivante: les 118 sous mariniers dont 25 avaient survécu aux 2 explosions auraient délibérément été sacrifiés par Poutine pour éviter qu'ils ne parlent des causes du choc et du naufrage ("le canard du Midi" lien).

Don't miss the Jean-Michel Carré's movie about the Koursk's sinking. And his article, translated in english by himself.
"I am a french scientist, astrophysicist. I am 66. I belong to the French Cnrs (retired in april 2003). To contact me. Many years ago I worked on MHD power plants (magnetohydrodynamics). I knew personnally E.Velikhov, who became Poutine's collaborator for military affairs (...). I still have an old good friend in Moscow, Pr. Golubev, who works on lasers (but perhaps is he retired too). I give you this information to convince you that I am serious. I know all the truth about the Koursk "accident". I have two sources. A french journalist, Michel C. who tried to make a TV documentary about. He obtained a lot of information. And the second : I had a contact with french secret service who were in contact with an "anti- Poutine faction of the Russian secret service". If you want to put this on your website immediately, you can do so. Title : THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KOURSK Author : Jean-Pierre Petit, France, Senior Researcher, specialist in Magnetohydrodynamics (MGD in Russian).

Two years ago Michel visited me. He wanted to make a TV documentary about the Koursk. He was aware of my knowledge and experience in deep sea skin-diving. He showed me some documents. From the original version, a torpedo seemed to have exploded in the front room of the submarine. But there were two, the first being weaker. An explanation will be given. 

The Barentz sea is not deep. The Kursk sank at a moderate depth. Considering its height the upper door of rescue chamber should be only 90 meters below the surface. All the submarine's crew men have individual rescue suits. In Europe, these suits are designed by the Beaufort Company, UK. They can be packed as small luggage. I can provide colour pictures of such a suits. The seaman can put it on and inflate it, moderatly. Then the officer who runs the evacuation operation increases the pressure in the rescue chamber and opens the door filling it with sea water. Each member of the crew gets into place just below the rescue door and fills the suit completely with air. Then Archimede's force acts. He climbs at 3 m/s. In the case of the Kursk : 30 s to reach the surface. 

There, the man can inflate a small rubber boat, climb in and wait. This system can be operated up to 500 feet deep. It is extremely surprising that no one on the Kursk used it. It is impossible that such rescue systems were not on board. In addition, the Kursk posseded a sophisticated rescue system : two small submarines able to hold the whole crew and to ensure their rescue at 2000 feet deep. But these two submarines were docked in the turret, the cockpit of the ship so this rescue system may have been blocked by the torpedo room. In any case, I cannot believe how it is possible that all the rescue doors were blocked

Acording to Michel, the nuclear admiral Ship "Peter the First", did not come on the site of the wreck after the drama but moved away several miles. The international press said that "Russians did not posses specialized devices to rescue the crew from the submarine". If the Kursk had sunk at 2000 feet depth, this would be plausible, but not at a such moderate depth. There must be another explanation. Discussing the cause of the wreck, the press talked immediately after of "a collision with another submarine". We knew that a western submarine was docked in Norway for repairs.

Some other information from Michel : the diameter of the torpedo tubes was enlarged before the manoeuvres in the Barents sea. These tubes were designed to fire a new torpedo called "la Grosse" (in French) or in english "The Big One". A mutiny took place in the Kursk. Some members of the crew were killed. The officer who kept the arms on board was found dead with a bullet in his head after the Kursk rescue. Three men were in the Kursk : a chinese, and two arabs. A paper was found in the pocket of a Kursk seaman. He wrote (in obscurity as he said) : "We are in the rescue chamber. Two officers are trying to handle the door. The said they know the system very well. But it seems to be locked."

Now we have to cross two new stories. In january 2001 I went to a scientific meeting in Brighton, England. There I met a specialist of MHD, in charge of special projects for NASA. He said he worked 20 years ago on a high velocity MHD torpedo. I was suprized, for I thought that MHD had been abandonned all over the world at the begining of the seventies. But he said that a considerable effort on military MHD had continued in secret in the US and USSR. The technical data are the following. For 30 years americans and russians have rocket propelled torpedos. The russian model is the "Sqwal" and the american one is called "Supercav". The drag in water is much more important than in the air. The Sqwal and the Supercav blow hot gas provided by a secondary rocket. This gas is injected in the water just in front of the torpedo. The heat of this gas vapourises the sea water allowing the torpedo to move in such a bubble of vapor at higher velocities up to 1500 knots. MHD torpedos work differently. They are also propelled by a solid propellent rocket. On the "divergent" of this rocket, a MHD generator transforms the kinetic energy of the gaz into electricity. The system uses a wall MHD convertor. I can give the complete design of the torpedo, if desired.

This electricity is sent to the linear electrodes of a MHD wall accelerator which sucks the water backwards very strongly canceling the friction drag. According to the american specialist I met, in 1980, the velocity of the torpedo was about 6000 knots.

In 2002 I put some information about Kursk on my website. Then I was immediatly contacted by a man working for the French DGSE (counter intelligence). We wanted more information about this MHD torpedo. We met in Paris and "exchanged information". The person from the DGSE said his information came from a faction of the KGB who were against Poutine. He confirmed that a chinese and two arabs were on board. He said they were brought on board by helicopter and that the chinese was a general. Although he said he did not know more about the 2 arabs. According to him the Russians had planned to demonstrate their MHD torpedo in action in order to sell it to China.

These high velocity torpedoes are very important for strategic purposes as one can use them to destroy the ennemy's nuclear submarine before they could launch their missiles. Without such torpedoes nobody can start a nuclear attack. Accordin to this man, the diameter of the torpedo was 1 meter. But the American Secret Service was aware of all that. 

Then a western submarine approached the Kursk and ordered it by sonar to break surface and hand them over the chinese VIP. The russians did not answer. As a consequence, the decision to sink the Kursk was taken. Many submarines have been sunk since 1960 through "collisions". The attacking submarine does not fire a torpedo. It gets in close contact with its target and fires a shell, which punctures the subsmarine's hull. That was the first noise. Then the attacking submarine can escape. Shortly after (the second noise) the weapon explodes inside the submarine which sinks immediately. But only the torpedo room was destroyed making it possible to explain the "accident" in terms of an accidental explosion of a torpedo.

The russians did not want people to know what was going on abord the Kursk, before the "accident". According to the man from the French secret services a sonar order was sent by the Admiral ship "Peter the First", which locked all doors of the submarine. A similar order cancelled all possibilities for communication with the surface. The Admiral ship said to all ships located around :"The first to approach the Kursk, will be sunk !"

Then the russians tried to pick up their VIP on board. A specialized russian ship approached the Kursk with two small submarines aboard. One was put at sea and reached the wreck. Only 8 men could come aboard to pick up the VIP. But the crew of the Kursk did not believe they would come back to save them. A riot occured. Men were killed. The small submarine went back to the mother ship. Then Poutine decided to let the crew of the Kursk die. Secret affair.

Later the wreck was recovered, not to recover the corpses but to hide this story. The torpedo chamber, with its 1 m large tubes was destroyed down deep. The MHD torpedoes were recovered. Many devices too, including the propellers and the precious Granit supersonic missiles. The man from the DGSE said that the Kursk was equiped with very secret weapons used to destroy attacking torpedos at distance. I hope you will publish this. The truth must be known."