Ce blog parle de villages dont on s'occupe peu dans les médias, parfois miniers comme Saint Florent sur Auzonnet, niché dans une vallée retirée, envaginé au creux de montagnes, Molières sur Cèze, Le Martinet, Saint Jean de Valériscles, La Grand Combe etc... Une vie poétique et dure à faire renaitre pour tous. Germinal. Ayant filé plus loin que prévu -grâce à Aliaa Elmahdy- il est à présent bilingue français-anglais. This blog speaks about Cevennes villages unknown in media, sometimes mining (coal), Saint Florent, nestled in a secluded valley, Molières, Le Martinet, St. Jean, La Grand Combe ... A poetic and hard life revives here. Germinal (Zola). Having spun further than expected, thanks to Aliaa Elmahdy, it is now bilingual. Note: if someone finds mistakes in english, I would be pleased if he corrects them ! Thanks. Hélène Larrivé

mercredi 3 août 2011

La politique, un art de matador. Politic, a bull killer's art

An explanation in a clip for the news readers, from Egypt and somewhere else, previous episodes !
Une explication en vidéo pour les nouveaux lecteurs d’Égypte et d'ailleurs, épisodes précédents !

7/12/11, justice est enfin rendue, pour l'épisode final*. Almost two years later, justice is made for the final episode !
[* Avant-dernier car in extremis, il y eut appel!]

Analyse politique du pouvoir machiste, droite et gauche confondues, -l'affaire commence avec la droite puis continue exactement à l'identique avec la gauche- cependant élue pour assainir la gestion "aléatoire" de la droite! [Souvent, homme politique varie et bien fol est qui s'y fie.] Politic analysis of machist power, "right" and "left" together! -the case begins with the "right" and continues exactly in the same way.. with the "left"- yet elected to clean up the "randomized" management of the "right" who had sadly ruled the village during more than 60 years! [Often, politicians vary and trust in them is folly.]

A partir de la corrida (Essai sur l'expérience de la mort", Paul-Louis Landsberg, lien) une fable

"Le toro qui se bat contre le cheval ne sait pas qu'il n'est qu'un jouet pour l'homme à paillettes s'agitant devant lui avec ce foulard rouge qui se dérobe et l'aveugle. Il fonce sur la muleta sans voir que celui qui le blesse, qui le manipule, cachant son épée sous la hampe, c'est l'homme. Puis il comprend. Le jeu est truqué, c'est ce pantin virevoltant devant lui pour faire le beau qui le meurtrit et non le foulard ou le cheval qu'il martyrise. C'est sur lui qu'il faut charger. Il est puissant, il n'en fera qu'une bouchée. C'est à ce moment précis qu'il est tué" (lien). Le toro, c'est nous et la politique, un art de matador. According to Landsberg, the bull'fight against man is exactly like the live of human in society which is like a bullring; theydon't fight against their real torturer but against a scarf that they shakes in front of them like the matador in front on the powerfull animal for joke. When it understand that it don't have to rush against the scarf but against the man, it is killed. So does the poors who d'ont realize their strenght and make a mistake about ennemies, manipulated by their exploiters aginst them they did't dare to rebel. So did some men about women. 

La politique, un art de matador... 
où il arrive qu'on perde des... mettons "plumes" ! Question: ce beau gentleman pourra-t-il encore participer efficacement  à la biodiversité de l'espèce?

Politic, an art of a matador, where it happens 
that one lose..  euh.. we can say.. some.. "feathers" ..
Question : will this handsome gentleman still be able to participate efficiently at the specie biodiversity?


Humour involontaire de "Google"
The unintentional humor of "google" 

"Google" est parfois impayable : lorsqu'on tape "ambruèis" dans la barre de recherche, on vous demande benoîtement "essayez avec une autre orthographe" et on vous suggère carrément... "abruti" ! Non mais !
Sometimes google is hilarious : when you write "ambruèis" (which means “Ambroix” in Occitan)  in the search bar, you  kindly are asked  "try another orthography" and outright suggested.. "asshole" ! No but!


L'affaire en deux poèmes, (bilingue)


Femmes et pou voir (lien)  

ou "Nul n'est méchant volontairement"*

"Pot de terre contre pot de fer jamais ne vainc",
Fatalisme pervers, misérable refrain
De résignés.. et d'affairistes charitables !
Mais il advint pourtant qu’en improbable
Combat, le pot de terre, le pot de fer
Brisât ! à-valoir pour ses innombrables confrères
Et consœurs, transparentes et solitaires.

Femmes, vieux, hors-cour, accidentés,
N’osant dire, lire et à peine penser
Ainsi tirés en meute à courre,
Dans la continuité tranquille
D’un machisme obstiné et puéril,
Dont, erreurs de parcours,
Lors de tirs un peu osés,
[Contre minimes, inutile d’ajuster]
La quille a visé la balle !

Mais la politique est un art transversal
Où des caciques s’étrillent par quidams interposés,
Parfois des quilles promues boules -ou plutôt boulettes!-
Qui, dès sorties de la passe, guillerettes,
A la curée accourues, torpillent,
Joyeuses, le remorqueur qui les en a tractées...
Quand des Rastignac de pacotille
Pour les cuire tous chauffent le four !

Victoire certes, mais la bête aux abois qui fait front,
[Trois fois !] chargeant droit, écrase les gourds
Un à un, quand les scénaristes du feuilleton,
Hors piste et de toutes manières vainqueurs, jubilent :
Spectacle ! [une contre cinq ! et vingt suivistes infantiles,
Matous au griffoir pour un gardon ou couards volubiles,
Révolutionnaires de trottoir pour années bissextiles]..
Divertissant, profitable. Mellifère ! comme un train, un édile
Peut en cacher un autre.. ou plusieurs en file, 
Par l'odeur du pouvoir sang alléchés,
Goupils de tout poil au compte de leurs billes
-Ou de leur billets.-
Et merci aux deux cent courageux signataires, valeureux
Supinateurs d’un village de verre au surnom désastreux**.
Hélène Larrivé

* On peut aussi dire: "le "méchant" est quelqu'un qui est trompé -ou qui se trompe-" (Platon, "Le Protagoras")
** "Saintes Embrouilles".


A woman against the town hall of her village 
and a victory for all women
[Or "No one is voluntarily wicked*"]
"Glass jar against iron one never wins",
Perverse fatalism, miserable tune
For poor crushed .. from mercifull businessmen !
Comfortable, useful.

But sometimes it happens that in an unlikely fight
The glass jar, the iron one breaks !
An example for his countless brothers and sisters
Transparent, excluded, lonely -as they mistakenly believe-.

Women, old, outcaste, injured,
Those whom society has left on the road side,
Thrown down into the ditch where they were sent,
No daring to speak, read and barely to think,

So hunted in pack’s to run,
In the quiet continuity
Of an obstinate and childish machism.
And here it hapens, by a shooting’s error,
.. -A bit daring shoot !
Against so little taken, no need to adjust-,
That skittles shooted the ball !

But politic is an transverse art
Where rivals devour each others by fellows interposed,
Sometimes skittles promoted balls ! –cheap ones-
Who, as soon as they escape out of the pass,
Run up for the quarry,

Sink -or try to- the tug which drew them before !
When some small-scale "Rastignac"
For cook all of them are warming the stove!
Victory indeed, but the bull at the barks 
Who turns over and rushes

[Tree times!] goes right, crushing the poor thicks,
In front of her, one after one.. 
When the authors of the scenario,
Well stashed far from the arena, in anyway vinners! exult.

Theater : one against five and twenty servants following,
Tomcats giving a little scratch for a fish, talkative cowards,
Revolutionaries of pavement for bisextiles years..
Entertaining and useful play ! As a train, a politic man
Can hides not an other one but a lot in single file

By the smell of the cheese -or of blood- attracted,
Foxes of all kinds at the count of their marbles,
Or of their dividends. Cruel storie,
Not only for the deer became bull

But even more for the hunters
Became deer..
Another collateral damage, a social one, the worst :
In these comrades kinds of fight, nobody wins or looses
But everybody looses [here, what it's calling "left" !]

A shame for the all ; bitter victory, as a Phyrrus one.
But women's victory indeed.

  And thank's for the two hundred signatories of the petition, brave
Supinators of a glass village with disastrous nickname.**

*We can also say "the nasty is someone who is mistaken."
** "St muddles"



Une partie truquée ? 

Une autre version, [un boulet pour un ou des ambitieux.]


In english now, for the visitors from Aliaa's blog !

A dramatic and funny novel from an Cévenol village about an other kind of gender harassment. And another, and lot of others! fights against sexism, farcial here.
Because all fights against sexism, not so hard as in Egypt, in "free said" countries, sometimes underground, harass the women's existence from day to day and can throw them into an abyss -depression and even suicide-, here is an other one, in a sense a comic one, of a woman single against the city hall of her village. A woman whose a small established promoter -in this case, the mayor's father- have mistakenly demolished her house [he was condemned to reconstruct it at his own expenses]..  a woman who, soon after, was charged for 4000 E. for a water consumption -an olympic swiming-pool for two months!-.. in the house in which she never coud live… because it was in danger to collapse. Her salary was partially seized and her accounts so. Farcial, but it is not a joke ! 6 days in two times of hunger strike in vain or almost, she had to assign the town hall in justice. And to day, after one and a half year, the justice sentences him to pay off to her the not due sums taken from her account. A victory, certainly, but during two years, she was reduced to a total poverty until having difficulty in feeding. And it is the inhabitants of the village, the taxpayers who have to pay trial and outlays. This video with splendid music (in french but easy to understand) shows it well. This woman, it is me (link).

A true novel from Cévennes (link) in the south of France, cf map, between “Jean Giono” and “Kafka” ! a village where rages giant intellectual poverty, rough, nevertheless my village wich I like ! where sexism, harassment (in my case and lot of others, financial)… with an happy end. A very hard victory. I lost some money, lot of energy and sometimes, during crises of depression, trust in me. (Video on the first link.) Now it is over, I hope. Under the sun which shines every day, the beauty of nature (link) and the kindness of people [superficial because they often are frightened by the powerfull men's establishment]... the reality is sexist brutality -soft- for example the harassment which I suffered during more than 4 years, not sexual but of gender. Sometimes, I did not dare to open my mail box (not email). A woman is not treated as a man, she seems to be an easy target, especially if she is "alone", I mean without husband, neither brothers nor sisters, and intellectual militant, not conformist too. On one side, men, developers of little weight but which behave as princes or feudal lords, politics one, richs sometimes, and their court … and against them, in this case, one woman (and 200 braves signatories of a petition, what is enormous in this lost little town of 3500 persons only.) This woman, it is me. A detail, I am 63 years old and I lived during all this time with less than 700 €/month, so very scantily, because of important taxes (I have an house and land large enough from my family but I can't eat stones and trees!) what is very good in the end (I feel better) and now, because of this not completely tragic situation (in my case) I suffered, that of women, poors, illiterates, gypsies, excluded.. those whom society has thrown into the hole and left along the road in the ditch, I understand better  how people can feel powerless, anihilate and for that, too weak to be able to rebel and fight. I'll never forget. I fed on nature, plants, pickings, as much as possible (link) and to day I like this way of life, ecological, that respects nature.. and I intend to continue! A misfortune can become a fortune. Now, may be, women, here, vill dare to raise a little the head. An example, yes, and a good one.

Dommages collatéraux malgré tout, incommensurables -et irréparables-. Catharsis. Collateral damages, immeasurable, irreparables..

Ce qu'un tribunal ne peut évaluer, le plus important pourtant [qu'on appelle "dommage collatéral"] est la perte de soi provisoire et à la suite, d'un compagnon épuisé d'avoir dû vous porter à bout de bras..et qui ailleurs a trouvé un repos bien mérité, le repos du guerrier. A côté, que sont une maison abattue et de l'argent injustement prélevé? On n'en parle jamais pourtant. Plus facile de l'écrire en anglais..

What a court can’t estimate, maybe the most important [that it is called "collateral damages"] is the loss of one even and afterward, that of an exhausted companion who have had to carry you at arm's length and had found a well deserved rest somewhere else. The warrior's rest. Compared, what are a crashed house and X000 E unjustly removed? Nobody mention it, never.

Il est parfois plus facile d'écrire à tous que de parler à un seul. Qu'il est parfois dur d'être une femme "libre" [c'est à dire une guérilléro]! Et peut-être aussi d'être son compagnon.

Sometimes, it's easier to writte for everybody than to speak to an only one.. Another face of "soft machismo" in live [or how sometimes it's crual to be a free woman !] And, worse,to be her husband !

 Le coeur glaive et la balance
The heart sword and the scales

 Loneliness, collateral damage, a spare wheel became carrier
Solitude, dommage collatéral, une roue de secours devenue porteuse

La femme des champs et la femme des villes, une fable

One of the cities and one of fields,
Like mouses. And if possible pleasant,
House too. But he loves her (s?)
What are you thinking ? he worth it, she too,
It's just that one have to deserve him
Because he is him ad that's all. 
But he loves, as he says, who know?
The former one, although more rustic,
And problematic, -maybe the philo.- 

But the younger, no complicated,
Would be more practical
When he has burned his house,
-Because he is a little bit stunned-
During the masonry's works,
What can he make, poor mouse ?
Where have you the head darling?
You quibble, always looks for troubles
Everytimes funking flies.

Does he says the same to the urban's mouse?
Nobody knows. In fact,
He loves one -as he can- and likes the other,
The first for passed, nature, romantic poetry,
Cévennes in a word, -but it's hard too!-
The second for softness, movies, theater,
Glitter's Paris and shinning lights. 
When he his fed, bored he comes back.
Cathodic oscilloscop.

What means to love? Basic question!
A bed with white sheets? Crowded varnishing?
Long hot shower? Erotics transsubstantiation.
Thus, in this time in city phase
The second mouse easily wins the pot,
Can we say.. the jackpot?
What are the things, Roméo,
That overthrow the essentials of our live !

The "long runner's loneliness", you know,
Collateral damages of a squalid trial.
-I would prefer to lose and keep you for ever-
But maybe, so it's better.
-And thank's for the monay too-
When I starved of despair
-But I hate pity, even yours-
And this night I have the blues,
Relaying in peace. Requiem
In pace aeternam for an eclipse love.


You love me but always protect you.
Who said to you "beware of the women
Never surrender yourself completely?"
Your mother a long time ago? 

By pride maybe : you exist and that’s all,
Every times with one other, mother or mistress,
A folding screen not to be engaged too much,
With anyone. More confortable.

To deny them for you would be despicable.
A victory mine and the chief never loses.
One disappeared, an other one promoted..
I loved you as sun and accepted for a long time.

It was not acceptable and even degrading,
So I lost everything, me first,
But don't matter shame and loss of me
I could not live without you..
 More the things went and
More I could't, for I lost me.

And suddenly I refused, a suicide indeed..
But don't matter the death, the rip,
Torn to love, torn to be alone,
And I found me. I worth to be.
And to learn to say not. Even to you