Ce blog parle de villages dont on s'occupe peu dans les médias, parfois miniers comme Saint Florent sur Auzonnet, niché dans une vallée retirée, envaginé au creux de montagnes, Molières sur Cèze, Le Martinet, Saint Jean de Valériscles, La Grand Combe etc... Une vie poétique et dure à faire renaitre pour tous. Germinal. Ayant filé plus loin que prévu -grâce à Aliaa Elmahdy- il est à présent bilingue français-anglais. This blog speaks about Cevennes villages unknown in media, sometimes mining (coal), Saint Florent, nestled in a secluded valley, Molières, Le Martinet, St. Jean, La Grand Combe ... A poetic and hard life revives here. Germinal (Zola). Having spun further than expected, thanks to Aliaa Elmahdy, it is now bilingual. Note: if someone finds mistakes in english, I would be pleased if he corrects them ! Thanks. Hélène Larrivé

vendredi 31 août 2012

Corruption, le silence des braves gens. The silence of good people

Corruption, le silence des pantoufles

Propos de troquet. Thème : la corruption, une plaie, dire que les gens ne font rien.. que c'est avec notre argent que.. les flics ne font pas leur boulot.. et la justice c'est pareil.. tous pourris etc.. Puis l'un se lance au sujet d'un certain Dupont, un poids-lourd, notaire de son état.
Cui-là c'est le pompon! Au cours d'une succession, y avait plein de bijoux et quand ils sont revenus de manger, les scellés avaient été enlevés et il en manquait.. Marcel lui a dit "mais il en manque" et l'autre lui a répondu "mêle-toi de ce qui te regarde".. Alors si je le sais !
Mais il a rien dit, Marcel ?
Si, il me l'a dit à moi, il était écœuré.
Mais aux flics? 
Il pouvait pas, il est Garde Municipal. 


Corruption, the silence of the slippers

In a bar, two men are chatting. Theme: corruption, a wound, a calamity, people do nothing, they are cowards, this is our money which is spoilt, justice is not doing its job and so on.. In short, all rotten. Then, one of the two starts speaking about a Dupont. One bigger rotten of the place, never condemned. -The justice never had evidences.-
  I know he is a rotten, Dupont ! In a succession, there was lot of jewellery and when they returned from lunch, the seals had been removed and some were missing .. Marcel told him "but there were necklaces and brooches!" and the other replied "This is none of your business".. So if I know!
  But he did not say anything, Marcel?
 Yes I tell you, he said to me, that’s why I know it very well, he was disgusted, if you had seen.
  But to the cops, he did not speak ?
  Oh no, he could not! he is Municipal Guard !

mercredi 29 août 2012

80 indians massacred in Vénuzela by gold miners. 80 indiens massacred in Vénézuela par des mineurs d'or

lien (english) traduction demain

Education, the crux of the problème. Education, le noeud du problème

When social change has begun, you can't reverse it. You can't make illiterate someone who has learned to read, you can't humiliate someone who has found his pride, you can't oppress someone who is no longer afraid.

 One does not solve a problem with the system of thought that created it..

Anne Boleyn, un fils ou la hache, Anne boleyn, a son or the axe

 The woman who disturbed the kings

Pour les francophones, "Anne Boleyn, un fils ou la hache"
 dans le blog "femmes à venir" (lien)

"Anne Boleyn, a son or the axe" in english (link)

L'histoire écrite par les hommes est partielle, partiale, édulcorée ou péjorée.. Et cependant acceptée par tous. Parfois, par une concordance de dates, un déclic s'effectue, bon sang mais c'est bien sûr. Personne n'y avait pensé. Il faut systématiquement la reprendre.

C'est au hasard de la lecture précise de certains textes savants, en faisant des recoupements que l'on découvre par exemple (2 lignes sur 300 pages) le rôle réel de Néfertiti autrement seulement citée pour sa beauté dans le schisme d'Aton, le 1er monothéisme connu, initié selon l'histoire officielle par Akhênaton son mari... Dans l'histoire écrite par les hommes, les femmes même de pouvoir car nous savons peu des autres et sur valorisées ne le sont que par les hommes et le supposé attrait ou "désatrait" sexuel qu’elles exercent sur eux, l'amour éventuel qu'elles ont suscité ou la haine, jamais comme actrices des événements. Ou, si on les reconnaît telles, ce sont les mauvais anges (exemple d’Anne) qui dédouanent leurs hommes et encore ne le sont elles souvent que par la supposée influence sexuelle qu'elles ont eu sur eux. Un roman rose à réécrire. Anne Boleyn en est l'archétype, l'histoire fait souvent ici du France Dimanche, on glose sur ses supposées infidélités (!) en omettant l'événement réellement important qui l'a conduite à la mort, le pacte de François 1er avec Soleiman après Pavie. En ce sens, Henry a gagné: il réussit encore 6 siècles après à détourner l’attention.

En fait, il a voulu profiter de la faiblesse de Charles à présent dans la tenaille de ses deux ennemis ligués, François et Soleiman, pour lui faire "oublier" le schisme, les biens de l’Église saisis, Catherine, sa tante, dont il avait divorcé afin d’avoir un fils.. en lui offrant la tête d'Anne sur un plateau –et ainsi se libérer d’elle, une pierre, deux coups. Dans la situation de Charles, tout allié était bon à ratisser, même l'abject Henry, à condition évidemment qu'il marque le coup au sujet de "sa pute aux yeux de vache".
Les dates concordent : Février 1537, pacte François-Soleiman, Mai 1537, la tête d’Anne roule sous le billot. Henry est un rapide. (lien)

History, written by men is partial, biased and often watered. Nevertheless accepted by everybody. Sometimes a matching dates and click occurs, nobody had thought before. Strange .. So it must systematically be rewrited from a to z.

It is sometimes randomly, when we read some scholarly texts for example, that we discover (2 lines on 300 pages) the real role of Nefertiti -otherwise only cited for her beauty- in schism of "Aten", the first known monotheistic, initiated, according to official history by her husband Akhenaten-... In the history written by men, women, even "powerfull" -we know little about others- are only valued by men, and the supposed sexual attract -or "disattrac"- they have on their men, the love -or-hate- they have aroused, but never as actresses of events. Or, if their role is recognized , they are evil angels (Anne for example) who clean men for their misdeeds, by sex power they would have had on them. The story is a rose novel to rewrite. Anne is the archetype. Movies and TV series are appalling by their improbability. Naive or sex obsessed (?) even serious historians make articles as "France Sunday", for example speaking more and more about her alleged infidelities (!) omitting the most crucial event -which led her to the dead-, the pact betwen  François the king of France and Soleiman, after Pavia. In this sense, HenryVIII has won, his manipulation works again, he still managed six centuries after to distract people with nonsenses.

Henry wanted to take advantage of the present weakness of Charles V, wedged between his two enemies, François and Soleiman deemed invincible, now allies against him, to reconcile with him and make him forget his aunt Catherin whose he had divorced to marry Anne and have a son -he missed the aim-, by offering her head on a tray – and so get rid of her, in order to marry another one and have a son, at last ! A stone, two birds. February 1537, pact François-Soleiman, May 1537, beheading of Anne. (read more link)

Brûler ses vaisseaux ou une autre vision de Fukushima.. Burn his ships or another vision of Fukushima...

Le pire reste à venir (lien) 
The worst is yet to come (link)

Léonard Peltier

Indien, membre d'un parti activiste anti raciste du Dakota. Condamné à deux fois la prison à vie sur une accusation d'un seul témoin, reconnue depuis "fragile mentalement". En prison depuis 30 ans.

Indian member of a party activist anti-racist Dakota. Sentenced to two "life in prison" on a charge of a single witness, recognized after as "mentally fragile". In jail since 30 years.

Gandhi and I

  "First they ignor you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" (Gandhi)
"First they ignor you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they kill you, then you win" (HL)
 I don't think Martin Luther King, Gandhi himself, Dulcie September .. and so on will refute me.

D'abord ils vous ignorent, puis ils rient de vous, ensuite ils vous combattent, et enfin vous gagnez. (Gandhi)
D'abord ils vous ignorent, puis ils rient de vous, ensuite ils vous combattent, puis ils vous tuent, et enfin vous gagnez. (HL)
Je ne crois pas que Martin Luther King, Gandhi lui même, Dulcie September etc.. démentiront. 

mercredi 22 août 2012

Les pays délinquants écologiques. The ecological offenders countries

Les principaux délinquants (lien) les américains, les australiens, les quataris. 

 The "h.a. g." measures the bio resources of a country relative to its consumption, like a banker compares what you have in your account to what you spend. But there is not here a banker to forbid to make a check when a country has exceed its reserves (link)

So british, the ostracism "clean", upscale.. Si anglais, l'ostracise haut de gamme, chic et culture

David Stockey (link with the video).. sorry, Starkey not as Carmichael (!) if I have well understood, deplores that "we" that is to say the white english men and women, have became "black" by their mixted culture, with a rough langage, a "patois" as he says, bad habits and custom... and so on, quoting the Enoch's book in Bible by Enoch Baden, his master, author of "The speech of the bloddy rivers" which is supposed to warn english (white of course) to the dangers of multiculturalism. How Nicolas II (the tzar who ordered the "Protocols of the sages of Sion") appears nag next to these fine gentlemen. That is the Russian spirit, not everything in subtility mm Vladimir? opposed to the English one, but the principle is the same : instill fear of the "wog" -if possible by using himself with the proven false "protocol", or better, by the suggestion, in order to justify such a awfull deed : delete him.

David Starkey (lien avec la video) si j'ai bien compris, déplore que les anglais (sous entendu blancs) soient devenus "noirs" à cause de la mixité de la culture, de l'immigration, avec un langage déformé devenu dit-il un patois, des coutumes et moeurs (péjorées) etc.. citant le livre d'Enoch de la Bible (non reconnu par l'église) par son maître à penser, Enoch (!) Baden, auteur du "discours des fleuves de sang" qui est supposé avertir les anglais des risques du multiculturalisme.Ah, Nicolas II (le tzar qui commandita le "protocole des sages de sion") quel bourrin à côté ! C'est l'esprit russe, pas tout dans la finesse n'est-ce pas Vladimir? opposé à l'esprit anglais mais le principe est le même, instiller la peur du "métèque" -si possible en l'utilisant lui-même par un faux avéré comme le protocole ou, mieux la suggestion- pour justifier ensuite sa suppression.

lundi 20 août 2012

Les ascidies, nos ancêtres.. Ascidians, our ancestors

Et nous en serions bien plus proches que nous le croyons (lien)
The larva of ascidians has a brain but no mouth, so, when it found a rock at the bottom of the sea where to hang on, it digests its now useless brain ! and develops an enormous mouth. And it feeds passively all it life with all which flows to it. Our ancestors, it is said.
And we are closer of it than we believe ! (link)

dimanche 19 août 2012

Une image révélatrice.. a revealing image..

On observe que sur l'image originale, les supposés arabes, noirs et juifs ont une allure ridicule et antipathique, plus volumineux que les autres, avec parfois des têtes carrément patibulaires ; le noir a l'air idiot, la femme arabe est voilée, obèse, avec les pieds en canard et le "juif" chapeauté et de noir vêtu, a devant lui un panneau plus grand que celui des autres [l'idée sous-jacente est qu'il est particulièrement dangereux de se moquer d' 'eux' car ils sont puissants et vengeurs.] Quant à la femme du milieu, elle est nue, grotesque et provocante... C'est la démarche du racisme, la pire car il n'apparaît pas immédiatement mais s'imprime en nous plus fortement encore que les mots. 

Le message implicite de l'image qui ne passerait pas s'il était rédigé est "même s'ils sont grotesques et effrayants, regardez ces dondons enharnachées, ces filles à poil qui se trémoussent, ces juifs vêtus en croque mort, ces immigrés prêts à vous attaquer et ces noirs idiots, attention c'est interdit et dangereux d'en rire, la loi est absurde.. et joue contre 'nous' ".  "Nous" étant évidemment un blanc mâle catholique français représenté à droite par le "gentil" perplexe et un peu désespéré dont il est dit "obligatoire" de rire.

You notice on the second picture that the arabs, blacks and jews are painted as ridiculous, taller and bigger than the others, the black man as an idiot, the arab woman, veiled,enormous, with ducks feets, and the supposed jew as an archetype, with black clothes and hat.. That is racism, the worse, which doesn't apear immediately, but impresses our mind stronger than words.  

The implicit message of the image -that would not pass if it was written- is "even if they are grotesque and frightening, look at these big women veiled, naked girls who wiggle, jews dressed in undertaker, immigrants ready to attack you and blacks idiot, be carefull, it is forbidden and dangerous to laugh at them, the law is absurd and plays against 'us'." "Us" of course is white and catholics or french men whose picture at right show a gentle guy desesperate.

Candice Cohen, morte défenestrée au moment où elle avait presque gagné

La version hard (lien avec le site de Candice Cohen dont les propos à présent rendent un son encore plus poignant) du "Prince et la danseuse". Sans doute redoutait-on en haut lieu pétrolier une réédition de "Jamais sans ma fille" -par ailleurs un bouquin assez raciste-? Il est vrai que le père kidnappeur ici est un prince milliardaire tandis que l'autre n'était qu'un obscur médecin courant le cachet (lien).

The version "hard" of the "Prince and the Showgirl (link)." Probably, in some high oil tanker places, they were afraid of a reissue of "Never without my daughter"-otherwise a racist book-? It is true that here the kidnapper father is a billionaire Prince while the other was only doctor (link).

samedi 18 août 2012

Députés, hommes politiques. La France a besoin de dégraisser. France needs to degrease

-USA : 300 millions d'habitants, 100 sénateurs ; 435 représentants (= 535) rapport, 0.6
- France : 60 millions d'habitants, 350 sénateurs ; 577 députés (= 927) 
rapport 16.6

Pour gérer un million de têtes de pipes normales, il y a donc aux USA 0.6 têtes dites pensantes, mais en France 16.6 ! 80 fois plus donc et ça coûte. De deux choses l'une, ou les français sont 80 fois plus durs à gérer, ou leurs têtes pensantes sont 80 fois plus nulles, ou on pourrait se passer de 820 d'entre elles. Syllogisme sans bavures. 


Lien avec l'article

-USA: 300 million, 100 senators, 435 representatives (= 535)
- France: 60 million, 350 senators and 577 deputies (= 927)

So there is 0.6 "thinking heads" to manage one million of "normal head pipe" (that is to say citizens) American. And 16.6 to manage one million of normal French pipe. Consequence, or French citizens are 80 times harder to manage or the brains of his managers are 80 times zero, or we can get rid of 820 of them without damage.

Groupe Bethune-Arras de la Fédération Anarchiste: Billet du samedi 18 août (Le suicide des chômeurs...

Samedi 18 août (lien) 2012, quoi de neuf en ce monde ??? L'immolation par le feu d'un allocataire du RSA, auquel un hommage a été rendu  (suite sur le lien)..

vendredi 17 août 2012

Pouvoir et peur, Power and fear

Le pouvoir et la peur, power and fear

"Ce n’est pas le pouvoir qui corrompt, mais la peur. La peur de perdre le pouvoir corrompt ceux qui le détiennent, et de la même manière, la peur du fléau que représente un pouvoir corrompu corrompt ceux qui sont sujets à ce pouvoir." An San Su Kyi

"It's not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it, and in the same way, fear of the scourge which is a corrupt power, those who are subject to this power." An San Su Kyii

Ce n’est pas le pouvoir qui corrompt mais la peur. La peur de le perdre corrompt ceux qui le détiennent, la peur d'un pouvoir corrompu ceux qui y sont soumis, qui pour s'en préserver, composent, le briguent et parfois l'obtiennent.. Hélène Larrivé

Mineurs massacrés en Afrique du Sud, Miners killed by fire by police in South Africa..


 La police sud africaine a ouvert le feu sur les mineurs en grève (36 morts) qui vivent avec 400 E/mois dans des taudis sans eau accolés à la mine (de platine, lien avec le "Journal du siècle" via face book) 

 South African police opened fire on striking miners (36 deaths) living with 400 E / month in slums without water, contiguous to the mine (platinum, link to the "Journal of the century" through face book)
* A french novel from Zola about coal miners in the north of France, translated in english I am sure. 

Les cariatides, un symbole féministe ? Pas forcément. Cariatids, a feminist symbol? May be not !

Une image que l'on pourrait croire féministe et qui pouvait illustrer un polar social (lien avec "Le journal d'un homme d'ordre"). Erreur. Il s'agirait en fait de la mémoire d'un pseudo génocide. Un avertissement des citées grecques aux villes "traîtres" (Carye notamment pour laquelle on fit un effroyable exemple) durant les guerres persiques, dont en rétorsion, les hommes furent exterminés et les femmes vendues comme esclaves, condamnées à porter de lourds fardeaux. (Source, Vitruve.)

An image that we could imagine feminist and could illustrate a detective social novel (link to the "Diary of a man of order"). Error. May be it is the memory of a genocid ! A warning from the Greek for the "traitors" cities (Carye for which they made a terrible example) during the Persian Wars, where in retaliation, men were exterminated and women, sold as slaves, condemned to bear the heaviest burdens ! (according to Vitruve.)

lundi 13 août 2012

Un polard social, le journal d'un homme d'ordre.. The diary of a bastard


 "J’ai presque 66 ans, un bel âge et une existence bien remplie, je dirais même exceptionnelle que j’ai décidé de livrer ici dans toute sa vérité.. presque. La sincérité enfin, moi qui ai passé toute ma vie à mentir, à affabuler, me composer des rôles au point parfois de ne même plus savoir qui j’avais choisi d’être, tout entier tendu vers des buts bien au-delà de mes possibilités, souvent at-teints! A quoi bon avoir accompli ces prouesses si vous êtes seul à le savoir ? 

Jouer, bluffer, j’ai su très tôt que c’était le seul moyen de sortir du rang c'est-à-dire pour moi du fossé, que la vie était une pièce dont ceux qui tiraient les fils étaient les maîtres et les autres, les marionnettes. Les hommes sont et demeurent des enfants. Enfant, je n’ai jamais été. Je suis né dans un pays pauvre, dans un village perdu de l’Est, Saint-Doubs, ne riez pas, près de Saint-Claude où les hivers sont rudes et les traditions vivaces. Où on rampe devant le notable et chasse à coup de trique le chien affamé. De ce malheur ambiant, j’ai fait un tremplin...."

Voir suite ici (lien)


"I'm 65 years old, a good age and a plenty life, I would even say exceptional that I decided to share here in all its truth .. almost. Finally, the sincerity, when I have spent all my life to lie, fantasize, compose roles sometimes to the point of not even know who I chose to be, entirely turned towards goals well beyond my opportunities, often reached! It doesn't worth to have accomplished all these feats if you are alone to know it !
Play, bluffing, I early knew that it was the only way to go out of rank that is to say for me of the hole; that life was a movie where those who pulled the strings were the masters and the others, puppets. That men are still children. Child, I've never been. I was born in a poor country, in a remote village in the East, St. Doubs, do not laugh, near Santa-Claus, where winters are harsh and the  traditions, living. Where people crawl in front of the significant and hit the starving dog. From this ambient misfortune, I made a springboard..."

 Link here with the entire novel, in french only, translation in few days.

jeudi 2 août 2012

Les femens à Londres. Femens at London.

Lien avec "femmes à venir"

  Que nous étions sages ! Une erreur..

 How timorous we were! A mistake.


La vidéo est ici (lien)

Parmi ces pays, l'Afghanistan, qui fait circuler une vidéo d'une jeune femme (24 ans) assassinée par son mari (lien) et le Vietnam, où une blogeuse est emprisonnée sans chef d'inculpation (sa mère vient de se suicider -lien- par le feu) 


Among these countries, Afghanistan, which made circulated a video of a young woman (24 years old) murdered by her husband (link) and Vietnam, where a woman blogger is imprisoned without charge (her mother committed suicide-by fire -link-)

How to get rid of a pain in the neck. A funny link. Traité de savoir vivre à l'usage des gens de pouvoir.. Treaty of etiquette for elected in power ..

Comment se débarrasser d'un emmerdeur (surtout s'il a raison contre vous). Réservé aux gens de pouvoir, réel ou vocatif (lien, le texte en français). 

For the politicians only : how to get rid of a "pain in the neck", mostly if this asshole is right against you in 8 point ! (Machiavel)

"Vote for me (assholes bands) and I will arrange 
everything of huge shit where you were thrown 
down by the "others"!"

Once upon a time..  it was an embarrassing appointment with a recalcitrant, appointment to which you have been sent by the mayor (your superior), in which you know you'll have to give something... that your boss wants to refuse, using you as fuse-screen (in a delicate case where for example it / you are in an illegal situation, say whether it's urgent work on a path become dangerous.. and that the angry man is precisely a redneck who has fallen down in this path, very dissatisfied of a bump on his ass... and for a broken promise.. yours! Quickly, you are in deep shit.

1 BE LATE, A BASIC PRINCIPLE. Deliberately you have to arrive late by half an hour or, if the interlocutor is really difficult, three-quarter of an hour (do not phone him before nor apologize, or indirectly and almost insulting manner, [you 're tired, you have had an important appointment before, you are cold, hot, or fever etc .. in short you are not anyone (implying like him.)] Never use the word "delay "but" problems "or necessity, talk of another case, of your implication everywhere, of your overwork, he will feel uncomfortable: he contributes to your fatigue. The waiting in any way will upset him and make him (maybe) lose his means. Ideally of course it ought to take place in the rain or the cold, outside, that's is the best.

2 TRY to PUSH him OF A DEPARTURE. You have consented to come, make it clear, he owes you something. During the first a part of its speech, (on a secondary point), be aloof on this point clear, take a dubiously, distracted or upset air, as a doctor whose a nurse gives him his diagnosis. Then, if necessary, be assertoric resolutely against his saying whatever the evidence of the truth that you can see (but still in a neutral tone, that of the specialist) .. and especially if it is blatant! In order to exasperate him, to make him tired out. Advertise for example if your redneck complains of a rampage (that you can see) whose a friend of you is responsible : "There is no regulation on this issue" so that: 1 there is one, of course, that you know very well, obviously ... 2 he knows it.. and knows that you know it. Guaranteed results in every way: if he ignores the law, (unlikely), it is won ! it will be silent, dismayed and this point is finished ; but if he knows the law, (and that you are lying or wrong), it is virtually certain he will be pissed, which is not bad either. If he indulges in anger, you have won.

You will hold here an excuse for long digressions which upset those who face bad faith, that will position you better. You are the one who calls to account, who can say anything. He will feel obliged to give you his sources, etc. to justify the obvious ... (It's better if you are face to face because then you can always deny having said this enormity, you'll remember more etc. .. Otherwise, act more carefully, especially if the truth is easily verifiable because that could be used against you and put you in a difficult situation : either you are a jerk or in bad faith.) if he replies, just nod your head but be careful, don't tell nothing, express nothing (silence and indifference are more destabilizing and, if the words can be reported, facial expressions can’t be!) and / or continue with something else.

If he is hard... and asks questions again, without visible aggressive or worse, with humour ("but you know it anyway, right?") made the guy who has not heard. If he insists, let go a little soft (a little humours is not bad) by pretending not to be a specialist and hurry to change the subject in digressing, citing examples ... that have nothing to do, it will (sometimes) upset him more. But if he replies calmly ...that it has nothing to do!  you can't avoid, then, you must yield, but then always find a personal argument for agree with him (never used his own: it is you who do, who think, who order, not him.) You will be time to review your position after (or even to reverse it!)

3 WHITE ARROGANCE. Pretend not to see what is in the favour of your redneck even and especially if it is obvious. Ignore it. For example, if he has cleared a path where now everybody can pass   freely, never mention it, this is normal... and even make the  surprised if he speaks of his work : "really? It was impractical?" .. and quickly change the subject. You are the one who judges and appreciates, he is the redneck who asks a favour. Better, though more difficult depending on the person, if you feel him falter, you can criticize -slightly- what he has done, even and especially if it is perfect and an hard work. It will be pissed ... or can also react with humour, then you've failed, too bad.

4 CHANGE THE SUBJECT. At a suggestion from the redneck, ("we could do by example like this") take an air of immediately indignant about this point of detail.. on various pretexts (aesthetic, practical etc. ..) And speak a long time about that, you will won time and upset the beast. Then, if he don't return to the body the subject, it is folded: there is no accord, not about the works you ought to do! but just about the methods.. and time that we hear ... (then, in case of legal problems, you could always hide you behind that point which "had blocked everything", your good faith is intact) ..

Then, if you can''t do otherwise, return to the topic by agreeing finally to the solution..  as if you yield him by pure kindness ... "Yes,  basically, you're right, I am not opposed" (you must always act as if you were asked permission, even if it is not the case because the law does not require you to agree-, it destabilizes*) but again, always find an argument yours, never use of his: what he says has no interest, you listen him just by courtesy, it is you who know, who decides, he had to understand that. Be the one who would consent (perhaps, stay resolutely vague) by long-suffering, even if you are in pretty bad trouble. You will always be time to add in fine (but not right away) that it is not you alone who decide, and that despite all your good will and justice of the cause, you can not provide any guarantee. This, it will be the last word.

5 THE "DELIBERATE BLUNDER". If another REDNECK ARRIVES (embarrassing, but it is obviously necessary to look good) be kind to him but in passing, launch him a slightly hurtful sentence, without stress, smiling. For example, if he says that he knows you, reply that you not, you don't remember him "you see so many people" etc.. it's light but can impress a redneck and make him uncomfortable ... (maybe) : you are someone important, not him. If this does not destabilize him, too bad, it had to try.

6 THE BAD FAITH. If you can, lift another reason that supposedly could prevent the works required ... For instance you have to pass through a property and the owner refuses, you can nothing with that.  Of course, it is an false pretext, but the redneck can be fooled, it's to try.  

If not, (he replies that it is impossible.. and he is right!) it is  missed, evade quickly, you have lost, do not push more. Concede him something (but never anything concrete) to save face, ignoring the bitter negotiation underpinned by a threat from your opponent. If you are bad, (he mentions a promise not kept for example), avoid, or when it is not possible to do otherwise, invoke vaguely a major cause, financial or other ... (you both know it is only a pretext) .. and continue without giving him time to respond. If your partner, decidedly rude or humorous, calmly dismisses your explanation,  look surprised and repeat firmly, as if it were obvious. This can exasperate. If this is not the case, change the subject quickly.

If you are really in a bad trip (say the redneck fell into a ditch and is thereby fairly dissatisfied) courage, go ahead with a bluff, even huge, it is to try. Threat the guy to ban (for example) the passing .. (he has no other way to reach his land, no matter, be brave!) He may flatten immediately, desperate : you have won. But it is also possible that he replies "you do not have the right to do that". Here, but only if you are alone together, you can make ​​a gesture, a mimic  (but beware, never a word) which clearly means "the right, I piss on it." However, beware of hidden cameras.

9 THE CONVERSATION from gentlemen to gentlemen..
Finally, agree with him on a theory which does not eat bread (for example, protection of earth, it works well, even if all your speech before, in fact, had to aim to justify a plunder of a common path by a "friend" yours!) You will leave reiterating that you are ecologist (!) and go talk in high places in favour of the redneck (never mention the others who pass also on the path) do like if it was his own problem, and only his own!) ... but unfortunately without certainty (even if such warranty was already given a long time ago !) It is a excellent way to return back by pretending to move things forward ! That is the principle, essential. Desperate the rednecks in order they don't dare to move. Here, he had believed the cause won, but, coup of theatre, it is a decline! So shall it be less at ease by going the next day to see your boss. You have done your job and will probably be congratulated.

* Example, when a guy tells you (and not ask) that he will made analyze  the water of the river, try to discourage it, it's expensive, it has no legal value , it is useless ... and if he don't yield,  announce nobly "I do not object" even though you can't do under any circumstances. He will thank you (maybe)...  or retort that "in every way you can't do." It's to try.

On the other side, do not be fooled. Point out the delay, but without aggressiveness. Make like if you are not cold, exhausted, upset. . Use a neutral or firm and resolute tone, "political", quiet, slightly condescending. Return to the subject constantly. Ten times if necessary and it is, usually. Be clear, correct, but always friendly, use the patient tone of a teacher to a bounded pupil. Don't hesitate, if you are confronted a lie or an against-truth, to denounce it with humour. Repeat you that  policies need you more than vice versa .. and all these theatre pieces are basically a circus where only are playing... the balance of power. The eidetic quibbles are just pretexts. Your elected knows very well that you are right, (morally and legally, it is evident) and that he is "wrong". He is already bad positioned with respect to you .. and his supposed caution on arguments he claims require..  is just a farce in order to avoid if possible to keep his promises ... or save face when he will be constrained to do.

What can I do, me, single, alone?  Tout. Everything. (In the shark's teeth.)

Quickly... an worrying new.. Vite fait, une inquiétante nouvelle

Non ce n'est pas de la clop dont je parlais ! No, I don't speak of cigarettes !


En vitesse, une inquiétante nouvelle.. Barak, à part d'être souriant, sexy et noir, tu délires (lien avec l'article de Julles)?
Barak, apart from being smiling, sexy and black, you delusions?


Des détenus indiens d'un centre pénitentiaire de Californie entament une grève de la faim pour dénoncer leurs conditions de détention (isolement sensoriel, c'est à dire torture, lien en anglais). (Link in english)

The redneck (I include myself) don't interest anybody.. unless..Rubrique "le plouc (je m'inclue) n'intéresse personne" même pas lui sauf...


s'il s'y intéresse lui-même! Merci à Honoré (lien) pour cette image.

What can I do alone ? the redneck interests nobody, not even him ... unless if he interests himself (link with the blog image of Honoré)..

Scandales en Sarkoland.. scandals in Sarkoland

All rotten, we knew. But at this point! link


Les rroms de Metz !

Même en ces temps cléments de vacances, n'oublions pas les rroms!

I am rrom. 
So what ?
Even in these sweet times of holidays, don't forget rroms !

mercredi 1 août 2012

La condition humaine. Yaka. Human condition. Just do it.

La condition humaine. Yaka

Et go !

Charade. "Scientiques" ou pas, vous voulez faire un best sellers? You want to make a best seller ?

Richard Muller se fait un look Hubert Reeves.. 

Vous voulez faire un best seller ? Comment ? Richard Muller, Nancy Houston et toutes les actrices ou danseuses* arabes qui actuellement militent pour le voile l'ont fort bien compris. Voici.

Adoptez une position provocatrice en dépit de tout bon sens, (c'est plus vendeur) par exemple déclarez haut et clair que la terre ne se réchauffe pas ou en tout cas pas plus qu'au Moyen âge, époque où il n'y avait pas de voitures (l'avantage est que les pétroliers vous feront un point d'or) .. ou que le voile représente la liberté des femmes (cette fois, ce sont les émirats qui vont raquer), ou encore que les femmes ont perdu leur combat pour l'égalité parce qu'elles ont confondu liberté et futilité, séduction... Votre position sera d'autant plus vendeuse que vous êtes un scientifique, une danseuse nue ou une écrivain féministe... 

Puis, lorsqu'on commence à zapper dès qu'on vous voit, tournez votre veste et adoptez la position inverse, mais plus fortement encore que vos détracteurs sinon ça ne vaut pas le coup.. et vous voila sûrs de faire le buzz, de regagner en un clic toute votre popularité. On parlera de vous partout et de votre best seller (si vous y ajoutez une repentance c'est encore mieux, vous deviendrez un exemple de courage et de sincérité.)

Richard Muller, Nancy Houston, les actrices militant pour le voile l'ont fort bien compris.

* Toutefois leur position est un peu différente de Muller ou Houston car elles n'ont en général pas vraiment choisi l'une ou l'autre des positions : lorsque d'un côté on vous menace et que de l'autre on vous met un sac de dollars, le choix est évident..

It's simple, take a provocative position even in spite of common sense (even and especially!) Example, declare loud and clear that the earth is not warming, at least not more than in the Middle Ages, when it there were no cars (the advantage is that lobby of the oil business will make to you a point of gold) .. or that the veil represents freedom for women (ditto for the manna, but this time it is the emirates that will cough up), or that women have lost their fight for equality because they have confused freedom and seduction ... Your position will be more powerful if you are a "scientist", an exotic dancer or a feminist writer ... Then, turn your jacket when people start to zap as soon as they see you at TV, but even more strongly than your critics, if not, it's not worth the shot .. and you are sure to make a buzz, to regain all of your popularity. They only talk to you, to your turn around, and your best seller (if you add a repentance that is even better .. you will become an example of courage and sincerity.)

Richard Muller, Nancy Houston and all the actresses who after having appeared in films somewhat sexy (relatively speaking) are currently campaigning for the veil have very well understood this.